Plastic Innovation Made Easy
Energy Saving
ECC has 22 years of experience in manufacturing hollow plastic ball covers, statistically consumers energy consumption is reduced by 75% and chemical consumption is reduced 7% to 12% within the first 6-12 months after implementing hollow balls into their work environment. This happens from a variety of factors such as heat and liquid loss cost, these balls work as great insulators on average the covers will keep tanks, reservoirs and ponds, 7 to 10 degree F warmer in the winter months than it would be not covered. The summer months work just the opposite, 7 to 10 degree F cooler than the water would be without a cover. While being one of the best water insulators, these balls also greatly limit water evaporation; with a single layer of 38mm balls are likely to save 87-90% of water that would otherwise be evaporated. Over the course of a year consumers have stated they’ve received an average of 75% on return of investments.
Environmental Control
With these hollow balls you’re able to more easily control aspects of the water ecosystem than before, more commonly referred to as “Bird Balls” these balls work wonders at keeping wildlife off the water. A common problem with having large bodies of water is the wild life surrounding it and the waste they can produce into the water, at airports these are essential in order to keep birds and other wildlife surrounding airports away from the proximity of take offs and landings.
Water carries the diatomic compound of Bromine, which is essentially impossible to remove from water, when water is being disinfected throughout a water plant the water plant uses a compound called Ozone. When Ozone and Bromine mix in these water plants it causes the chemicals to mix and make Bromate, which is highly carcinogenic. When water is introduced to bright sunlight, the Bromate in the water also multiplies rapidly; which could leave a whole body of water unsafe for life around it. Hollow Balls produce an easy solution to this problem by blocking out the sunlight, eliminating the multiplication of Bromate.